Mob & Block Limits
Mob Limits
Animals include pigs, cows, rabbits, sheep, chickens, and mooshrooms.
There is a limit of any combination of 16 stacks (1024 max individual mobs) of animals per 3x3 chunk area.
Monsters include zombies, skeletons, slimes, creepers, spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, zombified piglins, witches, and wither skeletons.
There is a limit of any combination of 8 stacks (512 max individual mobs) of monsters per 3x3 chunk area.
Individual Mob Limits Per 3x3 Chunk Area
Some other mobs have their own individual limits beyond the limits described above.
Block Limits
Tile Limits
Tile entities, or block entities, are extra data associated with a block. These include things like item frames, armor stands, hoppers, chests, furnaces, signs, and many more. You can view a full list of block entities by Clicking Here.
There is a limit of any combination of 128 tile entities per chunk.
Redstone Limits
Redstone includes redstone wire, redstone blocks, hoppers, dispensers, droppers, tripwire hooks, redstone lamps, pistons, redstone torches, tnt, note blocks, levers, repeaters, and comparators.
There is a limit of any combination of 128 redstone blocks per chunk.
Individual Block Limits
While many of these are included in the redstone & tile limits above, they also have their own individual limits beyond that.
Hoppers, shulkers, pistons, note blocks, and observers have a limit of 64 per chunk.
Item frames have a limit of 64 per chunk.
Paintings have a limit of 16 per chunk.
Furnaces, blast furnaces, smokers, and brewing stands have a limit of 12 per chunk.
Dispensers & droppers have a limit of 32 per chunk.
Beacons have a limit of 8 per chunk.
Armor stands have a limit of 8 per chunk.
All types of boats have a limit of 8 per chunk.
All types of minecarts have a limit of 8 per chunk.
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