âī¸Settings & Modifications
World Sizes
The overworld is 30k x 30k blocks
The nether is 15k x 15k blocks'
The end is 15k x 15k blocks (worlds may increase in size over time)
Towns (Land Claiming)
Towns are an essential part of the gameplay here on EcoSMP. They are what allow players to claim land and protect their things. Beyond that, they have several other important uses. Learn more on the Towns & Nations page.
EcoSMP stands for economy SMP and therefore, the economy is very important on the server. Learn more about it on the In-Game Money page.
Rank Perks
Most rank perks are quality-of-life features that improve the experience and give players extra incentives to aim for. They can affect gameplay to an extent, so its important to be aware of them to get the best out of your time on EcoSMP.
See a full list of rank perks on the In-Game Ranks page.
Boosted Items
Boosted items can be obtained from the Mystery Box. They give players more Jobs money as they use/wear them.
There are five different rarity levels with 75 different obtainable items.
Boosted items must be earned, they cannot be purchased with real money.
Learn more on the Boosted Items page.
Angel Chests
Angel Chests will keep items safe when players die. They can be teleported to by clicking in chat or by using
. 10% of items can be lost on death to keep things challenging (excludes enchanted items).
Nether Portals
Have a ratio of 2:1 instead of 8:1. For example, a portal at the coordinates 1000, -1000 in the overworld would be at 500, -500 in the nether.
Mobs/Entities cannot pass through portals on the server to improve server performance.
Mob Farms
While nearly all types of mob farms will work on the server, some changed settings will affect them. Mainly, the AFK location of farms needs to be 64 blocks away instead of 128. Read more about this on the Mob Spawning page before building your mob farms!
Farmable mobs stack up to 64 mobs per stack and are limited per 3x3 chunk area. This allows players to have large amounts of mobs in small areas. It also allows almost every type of mob farm to work while keeping the economy balanced. See more info on the Mob Spawning & Mob & Block Limits pages.
View/Simulation Distance
View distance is set to 10 chunks in all worlds.
Simulation distance is set to 5 chunks in all worlds.
Info on entity activation/tracking rages can be found on the Mob Spawning page.
Mob & Block Limits
There are limits to how many of certain mobs and blocks can be in one area. Read more about this on the Mob & Block Limits page.
Villagers can be easily moved using leads. There is a limit of 32 per 3x3 chunk area (read more on the Mob & Block Limits page), and their AI will be automatically disabled when in a large trading hub. They will still restock their trades normally and will still work in things like iron farms.
Redstone will function exactly as it does in vanilla 99% of the time. There are a few changes, however. Observer clocks and zero tick farms are disabled. We are using alternate-current redstone implementation; learn more about this here.
Hoppers have a different crafting recipe than normal. They can be crafted by surrounding a chest by diamonds in a crafting table (Java only) or in
by trading 1 chest and 8 diamonds for 1 hopper. Learn more on the Hoppers page.
Can be used to make replanting farms much easier. Learn more on the Boosted Items page.
Phantoms do not spawn naturally in the world. Phantom membrane can be obtained from
/kit phantom
Last updated