Mob Spawning
Nearly all types of mob farms will work on EcoSMP, but there are some important things to note before building your farm.
Quick Notes
Any farms that rely on mobs moving through nether portals will not work.
Mob spawning distances will be different from vanilla Minecraft.
Mob drops are disabled if a mob dies from cramming.
The server automatically limits how many mobs/blocks can be within a certain area. You can view more info on these limits on the Mob & Block Limits page.
Mob Stacking
Mobs stack on EcoSMP. This allows players to have large quantities of mobs in small areas while helping balance the Hunter job without harming server performance too much.
How To Breed Stacked Animals
Right-click a stack of animals with food to breed them. They will eat the same amount of food items as there are mobs in the stack with one click. For example, a stack of 32 pigs will eat 32 carrots with one right-click, creating a stack of 16 baby pigs. Once the baby pigs grow up, they will rejoin the original stack.
Mob Limits
There are limits to how many mobs can be in one area. Please be aware of this when designing your farms. All of the details can be found on the Mob & Block Limits page.
The server simulation distance is set to 5 chunks. Mobs will spawn 24-64 blocks away from you instead of the vanilla 24-128. You can visually see this in the photo below:
Entity Activation Ranges
animals: 24
monsters: 32
raiders: 64
misc: 16
water: 16
villagers: 32
Entity Tracking Ranges
display: 48
players: 64
animals: 64
monsters: 64
misc: 32
other: 64
Last updated